Making your car your happy place

100% Pure Essential Oil Car Diffusers


Aromatherapy On-The-Go

Take a nice big inhale…1, 2, 3, 4…now exhale, 1, 2, 3, 4… 

This isn’t your average air freshener. Na-ah. This is Scentopia—a utopia of scent.

We’ve banished synthetic fragrances and disposable, planet-killing fresheners and
replaced them with the most delicious, 100% natural fragrance that keep your car smelling better for longer. No more harsh chemicals. It’s time for the good

  • *****

    Sarah Newcastle

    Love it smells so fresh and natural

  • *****

    Alex Bondi

    Bought this for my bestie and she loves it

  • *****

    Jaime Sydney

    Lasts forever such a great gift

It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ● It's CARomatherapy ●

We’re single-handedly putting an end to road rage.

Okay, okay, we can’t guarantee the above statement will come true (I mean, have you
SEEN peak-hour traffic in Melbourne?!). But we like to believe our little slice
of aromatherapy paradise (AKA the Scentopia car essential oil diffuser) will
give you a wave of calm in even the biggest of traffic jams.

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You and I both know that our cars can get... a little musty.

Fast-food takeaway on the
way home from piling their sports bags onto your bag seat...your furry friend making themselves at home in the front seat after a day at the beach.

Yeah. It can all get a little icky. Scentopia exists to make your transportation time as fresh as a daisy.

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  • Reusable & Refillable

    Scentopia car oil diffusers give YOU control over the level of scent and can be refilled as you need.

  • Scentopia signature scent is packed full of 100% plant-based essential oils, creating a fresh, floral scent that evoke calm and tranquillity.

  • Designed in Australia.

    Scentopia is proudly owned, designed & assembled in Australia.

  • Treat your yourself Free shipping on orders $59+ in Australia